Original Playwriting

Produce one of Hardy's plays for young audiences, family audiences or general audiences.

  • Intelligent and engaginng plays for young audiences
  • Crsip and hard-hitting adaptations of Shaekespeare and other classics
  • Intriguing and theatrical dynamic plays for general audiences

"Fresh, innovative, amusing and even enlightening. It is pure theatre. Worthy of the attention of both children and adults. It is the sort of innovative theatre that has been missing for quite some time. — Laura McBride, The Bristol Herald Courier

Apart from his one-man touring shows, Hardy has written several plays which have been produced professionally with tremendous reception from critics and theatregoers.

Royalty Fees

FULL LENGTH PLAYS (running time of over one hour)

  • First two performances: $75 each
  • Subsequent performances: $50 each


  • First two performances: $50 each
  • Subsequent performances: $30 each


"...Hardy continues to re-define the world of theatre for young audiences." — Bob McKinney, The Bristol Herald Courier

"...knocked its audiences into rapt silence... draws the audience, children and adults alike, through the mundane, literally, and into the sublime." — Laura McBride, The Bristol Herald Courier